Friday 13 May 2011

New Drivers in korea

New Residents to the Province of Ontario, CANADA How To Apply for a Licence
If you have a driver's licence from another Canadian province or territory, or from another country, your previous driving experience may help you to get an Ontario driver's licence sooner. If you are a new resident of Ontario and have a valid driver's licence from another province or country, you can use that licence for 60 days in Ontario. If you want to continue to drive after 60 days, you must get an Ontario driver's licence. 
Two Or More Years Driving Experience & Drivers from Canada, the United States and Japan, Korea, Germany, Austria, and switzerland:
If you are a licenced driver with two or more years of driving experience in another Canadian province or territory, the United States or Japan or the Republic of Korea, you may get full Class G licence privileges without taking a knowledge or road test. However, you must meet all medical requirements, including a vision test and show acceptable proof of your previous licence status and driving experience.
Acceptable proof includes your driver's licence showing the previous driving experience or written confirmation from the licensing authorities. These conditions also apply to licenced motorcycle drivers from Canada and the United States.
Note: There is no exchange agreement for motorcycle drivers from Japan or the Republic of Korea.

Less than Two Years Driving Experience: 
If you have less than two years of driving experience, you may get credit for your experience and enter Level Two of the graduated licensing system. Once you have a total of two years of driving experience, you may take the Level Two road test to earn full driving privileges.
Drivers from other countries (other than above) without driver's licence exchange agreements with Ontario:
If you are a licenced driver from a country other than Canada, the United States or Japan or the Republic of Korea, you must meet the Ontario driver medical requirements, pass a vision and knowledge test and the required road tests.
Two or More years Driving Experience: 
If you have acceptable proof of two or more years of driving experience, you may take the Level Two road test to earn full driving privileges. If you do not pass this road test, you will get a Level One licence (G1) and may immediately schedule a Level One road test.
More than One Year But Less Than Two Years Driving Experience:
If you have less than two years of driving experience, you will be placed in Level One (G1).However, if you have acceptable proof that you have the driving experience required for Level One, you can immediately schedule a Level One road test to enter Level Two (G2).
You will stay in Level One until you have at least 12 months driving experience before you will be eligible to take the Level One road test to enter Level Two. 
Acceptable Proof of Previous Driving Experience: 
A driver's licence issued by another country is considered acceptable proof if it shows the required driving experience. If it does not, you will need to provide a written confirmation of your previous driving experience. If you do not have acceptable proof of your driving experience, you will start at the beginning of Level One as a new driver. 
The Applicant must attend a Driver Examination Center to exchange the licence and must: 
be at least 16 years of age; complete an "Application for Ontario Driver's Licence; present your out of country/province driver's licence verifying previous driving experience or written confirmation about your previous driving experience from the licensing authorities; provide one other piece of identification showing your signature; pass a vision test; pass a written test and a level one or level two road test as required;  


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