Thursday 12 May 2011

2011 Kia Optima: One Epic Ride -- Big Game 2011 Commercial

In the first quarter of Super Bowl XLV, Kia is scheduled to air a 60-second commercial entitled, 'One Epic Ride.' Here's video of the ad:

I really appreciate the tone of this one. It's self-aware, but unlike many over-the-top commercials, it doesn't waste time giggling at itself. The sole objective seems to be, "let's fit as many cool things into this ad as we possibly can," and they succeeded.
A man and a woman are handcuffed to a police motorcycle while the cop presumably drives away in their car. An Inspector Gadget-esque villain captures it via helicopter and is about to deliver it to a sea-faring tycoon, when Poseidon springs forth from the ocean deep and grabs it, only for an alien craft to abduct it. An alien inadvertently drives the Kia into a wormhole summoned by an ancient chief transports it through time into the Inca Empire.
Yeah, but that cop broke the law! How are those poor people supposed to get home? What if it rains? This commercial really should have taken the time to tie up these loose ends. Also, does the Spanish Empire end up with the car, or what?

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